Yesterday wasn't a very good drawing day. I drew the worst face I think I've done in my entire Daily Face project, and then I followed it up by pulling out a prompt while I was still in a terrible mood about that. I considered putting the prompt aside and drawing later when the frustration had subsided, but I was afraid I might not get around to it at all so I just sighed and dove in.
We don't have any really exciting cups or mugs, so I pulled out this one. I got it at one of those paint-your-own-pottery places, and the cup fits onto the bottom of the teapot. It's nice for those winter days when I'm sitting at my desk and want to keep warmer than just one cup of tea will do.
Tomorrow in addition to posting the next Every Day in May drawing, I'll have to post the latest of my Daily Faces. After some of the days, the desire to just give up is really strong, but I'm going to keep at it. Overnight results don't happen overnight!
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