I'll get to the post title in a minute, but first I want to share something I sent to my daughter recently.
It ended up being a little bit of a "college collage," as I wrote to her. Each item just built on the last and it all seemed to come together with an overall message, I guess. She said she liked it.
Anyway, about the post title. I have decided to embark upon a sort of Mail Art 365 project. Normally people do this as a piece of art per day, but I've proven in the past that I am really terrible at keeping to a daily routine like that. In all too short a time, it starts to feel like a burden and then I just really don't want to do it anymore. However, I am better with achieving goals that don't have that sort of timeline attached to them.
In light of that, I'm going to aim to complete and mail 365 pieces of mail art in however long it takes me to do it. No time limit, just a limit of 365 pieces. This means I need people to send mail to, and these people could be you! I will, of course, be sending mail part of the mail out through the IUOMA as usual, but I will need as many people as possible to make it to 365. So, if you'd like me to send you mail art (it could be a drawing, collage, combination of the two, or something else as-yet-unthought-of), send me a message with your address to me at st.ursula (that's on gmail). Pass along the word, I will need lotsof takers to make this happen! (I will of course repeat to people as necessary, but I'm hoping to have a good long list to get through before that starts happening.)
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